ap39 | Stardust Exile - RTS Game | Steam Three.js, Node.js, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, C, Gimp, Shotcut
ap46 | Automata - Task Automator | Android Android, libGDX, Java, MagicaVoxel, Gimp
ap50 | Space Markets - Markets Intel App | Overwolf Overwolf, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Gimp
ap20 | Fuzzy - Self-Driving Cars in Ethically Difficult Situations | Android | Itch.io | Kongregate Unity, C#, Blender, Gimp, Node.js, JavaScript
ap15 | ap15 - Minimalistic Launcher | Android Android, Java, Gimp
ap37 | ap37 - Cyberpunkish Launcher | Android | Github Android, Java, JavaScript
ap48 | Uncomplicated - Launcher for the elderly | Website | Launcher | Messages App | Phone App Android, Java, HTML, CSS, Gimp, Inkscape
ap35 | ML Terraform - Neural Network based Terrain Generator | Website | Web Tool Tensorflow, Python, Unity, C#, Blender, Gimp, JavaScript, HTML, CSS
ap11 | Js13kGames 2014 game | Js13kGames | Github JavaScript
ap22 | JS1K 2017 game | JS1K | Github JavaScript
ap07 | kowalski - Android In-vehicle Display | Github Android, Java
Enterprise Management System Angular 2, TypeScript, HTML, SCSS, Angular CLI
Maritime Operations Information System AngularJS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Grunt
Enterprise Information System Projects Timeline AngularJS, angular-gantt, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Grunt
Installations Security and Safety Information System Module J2EE, JBoss, Stripes, JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Webinos HTML, JavaScript, Node.js, WebSocket, XMPP
Phune Gaming Platform and Web Games AngularJS, HTML5, JavaScript, CSS, XMPP, Grunt, Jasmine, Samsung Smart TV, Opera TV, LimeJS, Phaser, Closure Library, Closure Compiler
Soccerway Android, Java
M2M Portal de Conectivade Gerida [Outsourcing for PT Inovação e Sistemas] J2EE, JBoss, Stripes, JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Coimbra Institute of Engineering [ISEC] JSP, Servlets, Hibernate, JUnit, Robotium, Pentaho, Enterprise Architect, Microsoft Project, SCRUM
Coimbra Institute of Engineering [ISEC] C, C++, Java, C#, Assembly, ASP.NET, Orcale, SQL, PL/SQL, Flash
2010 | Cisco Networking Academy Certificate: CCNA1, CCNA2 and CCNA3 | Cisco
2014 | Certificate in Advanced English C1 | Cambridge English Language Assessment
2014 | Open Source Tools for Remote Incremental Backups on Linux: An Experimental Evaluation | PDF | Github
Stardust Exile 1.0 Trailer | YouTube Three.js, JavaScript, Shotcut
Procedural Spaceship Generator | YouTube Three.js, JavaScript, Shotcut
Procedural Planets | YouTube Three.js, JavaScript, Shotcut
Procedural Terrestrial Planet | YouTube Three.js, JavaScript, FFmpeg
DCGAN 3d models training | YouTube Tensorflow, Python, Unity, FFmpeg
Complete list: YouTube
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